Pivotal Incident Manager is a unique application designed to improve the performance of crisis and incident management teams.
The Pivotal Incident Manager application has been developed by the team at Spartan9.
About Spartan9
Spartan9 was founded in Singapore in 2012. The company provides specialised security and crisis management services to some of the world's leading companies and non-government organisations.
Background to Incident Manager
When we started working in the crisis and incident management space, logs were kept in hard copy. The next evolution was whiteboards, followed by Excel spreadsheets. In more recent years, we've seen organisations adopt different applications. Our experience working with the crisis and incident management teams of many organisations has demonstrated that, rather than helping these teams manage an incident more effectively, they are actually getting in the way of effective team performance.
There had to be a better way.
We started work on Incident Manager in 2023.